Balsamic Roast Potatoes and Onions

As promised, I’m finally getting around to posting the recipe for this dish which I featured as the side for my Warm Beef and Blue Cheese Salad. 

Eggs in Purgatory

I was recently watching reruns of Nigellissima and Nigella was making this dish. I realised it was quite a while since I had made it. So I vowed to put that right and made it the following evening.

Lemon Spaghetti

… or to give it it’s proper title, Spaghetti al Limone.

Bacon Salt

I’ve been intrigued by the idea of making flavoured salts since I saw a recipe for ham salt in Comfort & Spice. But when I saw this link for a recipe for Bacon Salt on Pinterest, I knew I had to give it a try.

Tomato Relish

Is this relish or chutney? Whatever you’re having yourself! I love relish but it is expensive to buy a really good one so I thought it can’t be that hard to make my own.

Crispy Black Pudding Croquettes with Poached Eggs and Tomatoes

Another breakfast or brunch post. Can you tell I look forward to a good breakfast on a weekend?! I know black pudding is a bit of a love it or hate it kind of food that divides people but I absolutely love it. It is really versatile and can be used in so many ways. […]