Easy Chicken Satay Curry

  I make a curry at least once a week and try to mix it up as much as I can. I already have a recipe up for Beef Satay Skewers and I do love it. The beef becomes tender in the marinade and chars beautifully on the skewer. However, sometimes you just want to keep it […]

Carrot Courgette and Halloumi Fritters

  This is another recipe that has been languishing in my drafts folder for quite a while. Inspired by a recipe I made while working in Roots, I have been playing around with these fritters for quite some time. I finally settled on this recipe here and when catering for a party earlier this year […]

Thai Beef Salad

This is one of those recipes that I make fairly regularly but it has only recently dawned on me that I never published it here. This and my fajita recipe, which I make at least once a month and also need to share here.

Beetroot Feta and Chickpea Salad

You’re getting a healthier than usual recipe from me for this post. Well you surely don’t think I eat deep fried cheese and cream everyday now, do you?

Minestrone Soup

If your childhood was anything like mine, growing up in Ireland Minestrone Soup was something that came in powdered form in a box with some questionable looking dehydrated veg. Nevertheless, I loved it.