
Welcome to my new blog! After nearly three years I took the plunge and moved to a proper site. For those who don’t know me, my name is Donna and I work in admin but I spend far too much of my time thinking about food.

I originally started this blog I had notes and downloaded recipes recorded on scraps of paper and the kitchen was a mess because of it. This blog was my way of organising it. It hasn’t curbed my love of buying cookbooks and my collection is growing and growing.  I love them, I keep a stack of them by my bed and read them like novels! I’m growing in confidence in the kitchen everyday and more and more of the recipes on here are my own.

There is nothing difficult or particularly authentic about these recipes, simply my take on recipes or meals I’ve enjoyed. If you try any of the recipes do come back to tell me how you got on. Unless I’m baking, I rarely actually measure ingredients. The measurements here are a rough guide and I often substitute ingredients if I don’t have everything needed to hand. Cooking doesn’t have to be regimented.

It’s just food the way I like it!




11 thoughts on “About

    1. Thank you Melissa. And I just had a nose through your blog. You have a pantry!!! You have no idea how jealous this makes me 🙂 Your house looks beautiful, I look forward to reading more.

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