Overnight Oats with Cacao

I’m not sure the world needs another overnight oats recipe, yet here we are. It’s barely a recipe to be honest, just put everything in a bowl and mix. It’s also not the prettiest, but I’ve been making this regularly for the last 6 months so I thought it deserved a place on the blog.

One Pot Mexican Shredded Chicken and Rice

Hello! It’s been a while. I wasn’t even sure I’d remember how to do this. Or if I’d bother as no one seems to read blogs anymore. Personally, I like a website that I can search rather than having to scroll through hundreds of videos to find the one I want. 

Courgettes with Whipped Feta

It’s still courgette or zucchini season here for another while yet. If you grow them yourself you probably have more than you know what to do with. They are such a versatile vegetable and can be cooked in so many ways. I love them cooked until almost caramelised, like these Courgettes with Whipped Feta. I’ve […]

One Pot Chicken with Creamy Pasta

This blog was 10 years old last month and it completely passed me by! Stunned I’ve managed to keep it going this long to be honest. I don’t think people even read food blogs anymore and a lot of my favourite bloggers have stopped publishing new recipes. But as I’m not a video type person […]

Chicken Casserole

It’s been far too long since I posted a new recipe and as a result, you’re getting an unseasonal dish of chicken casserole. After what seems like the longest winter and with temperatures still cold, I think a comfort dish like this is still needed!

Pasta with Tomato Chorizo and Mascarpone Sauce

This recipe is on high rotation in our house so I thought it deserved a post. It’s so tasty and we both love it. I’ve said before I like tomato sauces with pasta, himself likes creamy sauces. I love this very simple Tomato Sauce with Butter but himself wanted something with more body. So this […]


Ratatouille, now there’s a blast from the past! My mother used to make this regularly in the 80s when it was fashionable and I thought it was so fancy. She used a recipe from a huge Marguerite Patten cookbook that she got as a wedding present. 

Courgette Risotto with Pancetta

Risotto is one of my favourite foods to make. I think of it as an indulgent treat to stand mindlessly stirring dinner to switch off from the day and the result is a creamy delicious treat. It is so versatile and can take any flavours. For this recipe I’m using courgettes, which are still very much […]