Roasted Tomatoes and Avocado on Toast

For some reason I can’t keep tomatoes fresh at the moment. Because of this I had a glut of them that were looking a bit overripe. Instead of making Tomato Soup like I normally would, I decided to try this recipe from Diana Henry’s A Change of Appetite for brunch at the weekend. It is […]

Gnocchi with Blue Cheese, Spinach and Pancetta

  This dish is another recipe inspired by lunch at Zamora in Cork. They really do indulge my love of blue cheese!

Mushroom Soup

This is my 100th blog post! I know what you’re thinking, “She’s taking her time!” I’m still more or less meeting my goal of one post a week so I’m happy with that. My first post was for Mushroom Risotto  so it seems fitting to have Mushroom Soup for this one.

Mozzarella and Orange Salad

Just in time for Paddy’s Day, look at this most patriotic of salads. Granted, none of the ingredients are Irish, but they are the colours of the tricolour, so that’s good enough, right?!

Rustic Chicken, Mushroom and Leek Pie

  I’ve called this pie rustic because, well, look at it! It’s not going to win a beauty contest any time soon now is it?! But it tastes fab. I used to make chicken and leek pie regularly with a double cream filling. I had not made it in a long time but then I […]

Chocolate Chip Cookies

  Chocolate Chip Cookies. Nothing ground-breaking to see here. But it’s the simple things in life that are really special. The smell of the cookies as you take them out of the oven is amazing.

Pasta Puttanesca or Sluts Spaghetti

…or Tart’s Pasta if you are more of a lady like Delia. I prefer Nigella’s description.  This is adapted from her version in Kitchen. There are a lot of theories as to how the dish originated and how it got it’s name, but basically the dish came from a need to make a quick tasty meal with […]

Malaysian Lentil and Squash Curry

This curry is adapted from Jasmine & Melissa Hemsley’s The Art of Eating Well. Yes, they are the ladies leading the health craze and responsible for making ‘spiralizer‘ and ‘bone broth’ the buzz words of 2015.