Pea Courgette and Fennel Salad

I know it’s still March, I know this is more of a Summer dish so those who cook only with seasonal produce should look away now. I have been cooking with courgettes a lot lately. Given the strange times we are currently living in I find it easy to turn to familiar comfort food. However […]

Aubergine Chickpea and Tomato Curry

People think food bloggers are constantly whipping up exotic meals in 10 minutes for dinner. Not true. Well, not in my case anyway. I’m fairly predictable, particularly midweek when I usually make some sort of a pasta dinner, a chicken salad, something with steak and a curry.

Veggie Chilli

    I’ve been awol again! Life has been so busy these last few weeks but it’s been all nice things happening. Work is busy and I’ve had lots of lovely family days with two communions to go to. At these times my blog has to take a back seat, but I’ve been itching to share […]

Pasta Alla Norma

Hello!! It’s been a while. While I’ve missed blogging I needed to take a break for a bit. Without boring you all too much the last few months have been strange and a bit stressful so I decided to give myself some time off.  But I had a great Christmas and lots of lovely family […]

Crunchy Fish Tacos

This is a recipe that has been languishing in my drafts folder for quite some time. I’m not really sure why, it is an ideal Summer dish but I have been stressing about getting it right for some time. That is daft really, you can’t get it wrong! Sweet, spicy, fresh, creamy and zesty, these […]

Vietnamese Beef and Mango Salad

This salad is probably more suited to Summer but the brighter evenings have me hankering after lighter food and fresh flavoured dishes. Don’t worry I’ll probably be back to comfort food next week!

Sticky Malaysian Chicken Wings

Apologies for the radio silence. Between snow and storms and well, just life in general, I took a little break from my blog. And it was nice. So I’m back now to share this recipe for delicious Sticky Malaysian Chicken Wings.

DIY Pot Noodle – Take 2

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the amount of processed foods we as a nation eat. Anytime these types of discussions pop up it makes me slightly uncomfortable. I love to research recipes and cook from scratch, I find it relaxing. However, I realise that I am very lucky in that I […]