Moroccan Chicken Salad with Blood Orange and Feta

Ras el Hanout Chicken Blood Orange and Feta Salad-A Cookbook Collection

I’ve shared my love for the spice mix known as Ras el Hanout many times before. I also tend to share recipes using blood oranges at this time every year. So this year I decided to combine the two and here is my Moroccan Chicken Salad with Blood Oranges and Feta. And because I like […]

Chocolate Tiramisu

  Or to give it it’s full title, Chocolate Baileys and Rum Tiramisu. I’m fairly sure Italian food purists are aghast at this tinkering with such a recipe, but Tiramisu is a relatively recent invention so I might get away with it. However, strange as it seems coming from someone who doesn’t function before their […]

Leek and Potato Soup

It’s Winter, so that means it’s time for a soup recipe. I fear however that this recipe Leek and Potato Soup is going to expose my weirdness. I’ve been making this Leek and Potato Soup for years and while it is delicious, even if I do say so myself, I was never completely happy with […]

Bacon and Egg Naan

Starting my 2018 blog posts as I mean to go on, with bacon, eggs and cream cheese. Seriously, January is tough enough already – you’re probably broke after Christmas and it’s freezing cold – without adding starving yourself to the mix. No, I’m a firm believer in the odd food treat at all times.

End of Year Post 2017

I’ve done one of these Christmas/End of Year post every year so I feel like I should continue this tradition. My only fear is that is seems a bit ‘click-baity’ but sure here we are.

Deep Fried Brie with Raspberry Sauce

I know Brie parcels and fried Camembert have been done to death and are considered to be ‘old school’ but sometimes there’s nothing more comforting than cutting into a crispy parcel to find the soft cheese oozing out. Honestly, I actually restrain myself when it comes to cheese posts, I could put one up every […]

Pomegranate and Raspberry Trifle

Sherry Trifle and Christmas go hand in hand in my home. I remember every Christmas Eve as a child watching my mother make the trifle. Trifles sponges soaked, and I mean soaked, in sherry put into the special trifle bowl, jelly poured over and a tin of fruit. The sponge sort of disintegrated into the […]

Potato and Onion Rosti

Fried potatoes have always been synonymous with comfort food for me. That is probably obvious given my range of potato recipes already on the blog! I’m doing a great job fighting the Irish stereotype here. One of my favourite things to eat growing up was a big fried potato cake that my Mam used to […]