Roast Root Vegetable Salad with Goats’ Cheese

I’m always looking for ways to eat more veg and to try to be healthier, I’m not always successful. Recently at work I had lunch from Basil deli, which is fab by the way, and one of the salads was a beautiful roast veg salad. I’m not entirely sure of all the ingredients that were […]

Beetroot Feta and Chickpea Salad

You’re getting a healthier than usual recipe from me for this post. Well you surely don’t think I eat deep fried cheese and cream everyday now, do you?

Beetroot and Goats’ Cheese with Apple Fritters

Sadly the darker evenings have already kicked in and as such my photography is suffering. Again. But I love this recipe so much I had to share it anyway.

Beetroot Relish

This recipe is not going to be for everyone. I’ve discovered that people really have a love/hate relationship with beetroot. I love it, himself can occasionally tolerate it.