Chocolate Guinness & Baileys Cupcakes

First up an apology to anyone who got an email this morning with a sneak preview of this post, I was having a quick look at the draft and hit publish instead of edit! Mortified for myself. However I think the tease was worth it for these Chocolate Guinness and Baileys Cupcakes. Here it is […]

‘Instant’ Buttermilk Pancakes with Berry Compote

There’s a big day coming up – Pancake Tuesday!! One of my favourite days of the year.

Sticky Gingerbread

  This is another recipe from the wonderful Nigella Christmas. I promise that will be the end of my sweet treats recipes for a while and back to the proper business of real food. Well, for a week or so anyway!

Chocolate Loaf

Well, did everyone watch the Great British Bake Off final? I won’t give away any spoilers here but I loved this series and was delighted for the winner. I had a day off on Wednesday so I decided I had to make a cake to have while watching the final. I wanted something simple and […]

Coffee and Walnut Cake

While I am a big coffee drinker – believe me, I’m not civil until I’ve had my morning cup – I’m not usually a fan of coffee in desserts. I’ve seen a few comments recently on various coffee cakes so I thought I’d give the one in Nigella’s Kitchen a go.