Useful Links


The BBC food websites are a great resource for recipes, explaining methods or ingredients:

BBC Food

BBC Good Food



The BBC conversion guide is helpful for oven temperatures, cake tin sizes etc.

Delia Smith’s website shows you how to line cake tins etc.

Dan Lepard on the BBC food site shows you how to do the marzipan layer  and then the fondant icing of your fruit cake, helpful for wedding cakes or Christmas cakes.



I generally buy any unusual ingredients in the English Market in Cork. If I can’t get something there I use the following sites to buy online:

I buy my pasta and tinned tomatoes in bulk. It is much cheaper than buying in shops and I get them from The Best of Italy.

I buy marshmallow fluff and liquid smoke from American Food. I use liquid smoke when making pulled pork to give it a barbeque flabour when cooking in the oven.

The Cooks Thesaurus is invaluable if you can’t get a hold of a certain ingredient. It will tell you what to use as a substitute.

Ottolenghi’s online shop will have all the hard to get ingredients that he uses in his books. Be warned, it’s not cheap!


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