Merry Christmas to all!! I’ve taken a bit of an unplanned break from the blog these past few weeks. The month has just flown by and I didn’t seem to have any time for new posts. Oh well, New Year, new beginnings and all that! So I promise I’ll be back with a vengeance in […]
Author: A Cookbook Collection
Sticky Gingerbread
This is another recipe from the wonderful Nigella Christmas. I promise that will be the end of my sweet treats recipes for a while and back to the proper business of real food. Well, for a week or so anyway!
White Chocolate, Cranberry and Pistachio Lollipops
Christmas Chutney
There, I’ve said it… I’ve dropped the C word! If there is any bit of a Grinch about you, you might want to avoid this little bit of the internet for the next few weeks. I have plenty more festive recipes coming up.
Butternut Squash Risotto
Another risotto recipe, I hear you say! This one is seasonal so I had to post it. Pumpkin and squash are widely available at the moment so it is the perfect time to make this. You’ll have to excuse the poor photos though, the winter evenings got the better of me I’m afraid.
I love waffles! Whenever I go somewhere that there’s a food fair, I check to see if there is a waffle stand. I always liked them quite plain just with a dusting of sugar. Then we went on holidays to the Las Vegas and every morning I had breakfast of waffles with whipped cream and […]
Panna Cotta Tart
Sticky Cocktail Sausages
I didn’t do any blog post last week, life got in the way a bit! I hope to make up for it by putting up 2 this week. I did food for a party recently and while the request was for cold food I thought that passing around some warm cocktail sausages would do no harm. […]