Easy Veggie Curry

This curry is proof that “Necessity is the mother of invention.” I had some very sad looking veg wilting in the fridge and a bag of spinach that needed to be used or shoved in the freezer pretty quickly. I usually whip up a soup when this is the case but I thought the veg […]

Bang Bang Chicken

The first time I heard of Bang Bang anything was over Christmas when Thomasina Miers recommended her recipe for Bang Bang Turkey Salad as a way to use leftovers. I was intrigued

Carrot and Lentil Soup

I don’t think I’m alone in loving this time of year! I actually look forward to the darker evenings and cooking up some comforting food with all the gorgeous autumnal ingredients.

Malaysian Lentil and Squash Curry

This curry is adapted from Jasmine & Melissa Hemsley’s The Art of Eating Well. Yes, they are the ladies leading the health craze and responsible for making ‘spiralizer‘ and ‘bone broth’ the buzz words of 2015.

Roasted Tomato Soup

  I suppose at this stage Christmas and New Years is a distant memory for most, but I hope everyone had as nice a festive season as I had. Back to reality with a bang there on Monday and back to business as usual with the blog. I am loath to use the ‘D’ word […]

DIY Pot Noodles

I have come across this recipe a few times on various blogs and boards but when The Guardian recently put this article on Pinterest I thought I’d give it a go myself. I swore I would bring my lunch to work more often and I think I could count on one hand the amount of […]


There is nothing more comforting than knowing you have a big batch of lasagne to hand in the freezer. I like to freeze it in individual portions and then you can have a hearty, comforting, homemade dinner on the table in no time.